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Your Source
for B12!
Vitamin B12 shots are
the most common
way to prevent or treat a deficiency.

10ml Multidose Vials

30ml Multidose Vials


Multiple Vial Value Packs
Vitamin B12 - 30 ml Multiple Dose Vials (3 pack)
Vitamin B12 - 30 ml Multiple Dose Vial (single vial)
Vitamin B12 - 30 ml Multiple Dose Vials (2 pack)
Vitamin B12 - 10 ml Multiple Dose Vials (3 pack)
Vitamin B12 - 10 ml Multiple Dose Vials (6 pack)
Vitamin B12 - 10 ml Multiple Dose Vial (single vial)
Vitamin B12 - 10 ml Multiple Dose Vials (2 pack)
Sandoz Vitamin B12 10 ml Multidose Vial (3 pack)
Sandoz Vitamin B12 10 ml Multi-dose Vial (single vial)
Sandoz Vitamin B12 10 ml Multi-dose Vial (2 pack)
Customer Reviews

Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 shots can help boost your body’s energy levels by preventing fatigue, helping you to lose weight and also by lowering the risk of heart disease and other serious health concerns.
Vitamin B12 is an important vitamin needed for a healthy nervous system, the formation of red blood cells, and for building DNA. Together with other micronutrients it plays an important role in cell metabolism and can only be obtained from animal-derived foods.
A lack of vitamin B12 can lead to health problems and severe symptoms if it’s not properly managed. So it’s important to maintain normal levels of vitamin B12. Let’s find out the exact role of vitamin B12 and how we can make sure our bodies get enough of it to stay healthy.